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65 Chiropractic Facts And Statistics For 2025 [NEW]

Sliman M. Baghouri
Sliman M. Baghouri
7 minute read

Today’s you’ll learn about spine-chilling figures and facts regarding chiropractic care in 2021.

We’ve curated, vetted, and categorized a list of up-to-date stats below.

Navigate using the content table on your right to jump to a category, or keep reading for our top chiropractic statistics.

Top Chiropractic Statistic

These are the most interesting Chiropractic stats we think you should know.

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1) chiropractors treat more than 35 million Americans annually [1].

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2) when it comes to back pain treatments, Chiropractic is more effective than medications, massage, yoga, pilates, and OTC drugs [2].

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3) Replacing doctor visits with chiropractor visits for back pain can save Medicare $83.5 million annually. [3]

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4) visiting a chiropractor regularly reduces your pharmaceutical costs by 85%. [9]

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5) You need to complete a min of 4,200 hours of classroom, lab, and clinical internships during a 4-year doctoral program to become a chiropractor. [5]

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6) Over one 100 million adjustments occur each day, globally. [6]

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7) You are 28 times less likely to perform spinal surgery if you visit a chiropractor rather than a surgeon. [7]

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8) Visiting a chiropractor reduces the likelihood of you having to visit a hospital by 60%. [8]

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9) Chiropractors are the highest-rated healthcare practitioner for low-back pain treatments. [9]

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10) The US chiropractic market is estimated to worth $15+ billion. [10]

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11) 35% of the survey respondents said they didn’t visit a chiropractor in the last year because the chiropractic care they received earlier was effective and they no longer need it. [11]

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12) Chiropractors are registered as physician-level providers in the majority of states. [12]

Chiropractic Patients Statistic

Now, let’s go through some of the interesting stats when it comes to chiropractic patients:

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13) 3 in 4 people who saw a chiropractor (77%) described the experience as “very effective." [13]

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14) Women are twice as likely to suffer from headaches or migraines than men. [14]

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15) Treatment for low-back pain by a chiropractor costs 40% less than that of a medical doctor [15]

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16) 10% of the world’s population suffers from lower back pain. [16]

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17) 29% of Americans think that stress is the cause of back pain. [17]

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18) More than 100 million back injuries are sustained in the workplace annually. [18]

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19) Americans spend around $50 billion annually on treating back pain. [19 ]

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20) About 20% of chiropractic patients are receiving treatment for neck pain. [20]

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21) 60% of people who receive chiropractic care have insurance coverage. [21]

screenshot of a chiropractic fact that says 60% of people receive insured chiropractic care

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22) About 20% of chiropractic patients are receiving treatment for neck pain. [22]

The Chiropractic Profession Facts And Statistics

Now, let’s go through some of the interesting stats when it comes to the chiropractic job:

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23) More than 100,000 chiropractors are registered worldwide. [23]

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24) The average chiropractor earns $85,870 per year. [24]

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25) More than 22 million United States citizens visit a chiropractor annually. [25]

Picture of chiropractic Statistics that says 20+ million chiropractic visit yearly

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26) Medicare spends $400 million to $500 million on chiropractic care each year. [26]

Picture of chiropractic fact that says medicare spends $500M on chiropractic care

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27) there are roughly 95,438 chiropractic business licenses in the U.S. [27]

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28) Over 125 years of chiropractic, chiropractors are the third-largest group of medical practitioners. [28]

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29) In over 40 countries including the U.S., chiropractic is recognized and regulated by law. There are licensed D.C.s in all 50 states. [29]

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30) There are 10,000 students in the United States currently enrolled in chiropractic education programs. [30]

Interesting and Fun Chiropractic Facts

let’s go through some of the fun anecdotes and trivia about chiropractic care:

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31) “Chiropractic” is Greek for “Done by Hand”. [31]

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32) In 1895, Daniel David Palmer gave the first adjustment to Harvey Lillard that helped him regain his hearing after an accident. [32]

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33) All the National Football teams have a chiropractor on staff to increase their performance. [33]

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34) Chiropractic care is beneficial to infants. And adjustments are safe for the baby’s needs. [34]

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35) A Nobel prize winner, Roger Sperry, reported that 90% of the brain’s stimulation and nutrition comes from the spine. [35]

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36) The popping sound you hear in chiropractic treatment is nothing but air bubbles released between two joints. [36]

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37) A recent study showed that chiropractic care was more effective than physical therapy and steroid injections when it came to treating nerve pain. [37]

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38) Since the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research was founded it has shown through extensive studies that chiropractic is a significant science backed up by the benefits of adjustment. [38]

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39) Chiropractic care is the fastest-growing primary health care profession. [39]

screenshot of graph that shows statistics about chiropractic care festest chiropractic

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40) Research has proven that chiropractors help with weight loss. [40]

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41) Pregnant women can reduce their back pain by up to 84% percent by going to chiropractor. [41]

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42) Adults aged between 45 and 64 are the most likely to visit a chiropractor. [42]

Stats About disorders chiropractors treat

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43) Whiplash, one of the most common car accident injuries, is treated primarily by chiropractors over 125 years of chiropractic care [43]

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44) Back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost workdays each year. [44]

Picture of chiropractic Statistics and facts

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45) After the common cold, back injuries are the biggest reason for absenteeism from work. [45]

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46) A recent study concluded that one-third of patients are likely to have a recurrent back-injury episode. [46]

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47) The lifetime prevalence of low-back pain is reported to be as high as 85%. [47]

screenshot of chiropractic facts that says the prevelence of back pain is 85%

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48) Around 41% of the survey respondents said that chiropractic care greatly helps deal with neck and back pain. [48]

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49) Chiropractic care has a much lower injury rate than primary care. [49]

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50) 92% of chiropractors report worsening neck and back pain for patients during the pandemic. [50]

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51) After extensive research in all available care for low back problems, the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality recommended spinal manipulation as the safest option. [51]

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52) Strong evidence showed that spinal manipulation for back pain is as effective as a combination of medical care and exercise. [52]

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53) Low-back pain costs lost wages and decreased productivity. [53]

Stats That Compare Chiropractic Care to Medical Care

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54) 56% of patients who went to a doctor saw a 30% reduction in low back pain. But 94% of patients who went through manual-thrust manipulation seen a 30% reduction in low back pain 4 weeks later. [54]

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55) A clinical comparative trial conducted at 3 military medical centers found that chiropractic care combined with usual medical care for low back pain provides greater pain relief than medical care alone. [55]

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56) Another comparative trial showed that 94% of chiropractic recipients experienced a 30% reduction in their pain, compared with only 54% of medical care recipients. [56]

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57) The Joint Commission, the organization that accredits more than 20,000 health care systems in the U.S. recognized the value of non-drug approaches by adding chiropractic to its pain management standard. [57]

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58) 56% of patients were satisfied with the chiropractor, compared to just 13% who were satisfied with the family physician. [58]

picture of chiropractic stat

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59) 40% of Americans with lower back pain will see a chiropractor rather than a medical doctor. [59]

fact that says 40% americans prefer chiropractor

Chiropractic Statistics By Demographic

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60) Nearly 30% of the U.S. population aged 18 and older have used chiropractic. [60]

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61) 65% million Americans suffer from chronic lower back pain. [61]

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62) Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability, preventing many people from engaging in work as well as other everyday activities. [62]

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63) 58% of all chiropractic patients believe it is a critical consideration when choosing an insurance provider. [63]

Picture of chiropractic Statistics and facts fact

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64) There are more than 100 million visits for spine conditions each year. [64]

Picture of chiropractic Statistics and facts

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65) 31 million Americans suffer from low back pain. [65]

[1] => https://news.gallup.com/poll/194984/one-four-adults-sought-care-neck-back-pain-last-year.aspx?g_source=Well-Being&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles

[2] => https://consumerreports.org/cro/2012/04/alternative-treatments/index.htm

[3] => Research by The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

[4] => https://consumerreports.org/cro/2013/01/relief-for-your-aching-back/index.htm

[5] => https://acatoday.org/News-Publications/Newsroom/Key-Facts

[6] => https://integratedchiroandpt.com

[7] => https://acatoday.org/Education-Events/National-Chiropractic-Health-Month/Campaign-Toolkit/NCHM-Key-Facts-and-Figures

[8] => https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17509435/

[9] => https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17509435/

[10] => https://ibisworld.com/united-states/market-research-reports/chiropractors-industry/

[11] => https://statista.com/statistics/757473/main-reasons-not-visiting-chiropractor-us/

[12] => https://acatoday.org/Education-Events/National-Chiropractic-Health-Month/Campaign-Toolkit/NCHM-Key-Facts-and-Figures

[13] => https://news.gallup.com/poll/194984/one-four-adults-sought-care-neck-back-pain-last-year.aspx?g_source=Well-Being&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles

[14] => American Council On Science And Health

[15] => https://renzechiro.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Chiropractic_Saves_40_Percent_FEB11.pdf

[16] => The Lancet Journal

[17] => https://statista.com/topics/4333/back-pain-in-the-us/

[18] => https://news.leavitt.com/business-insurance/preventing-back-injuries

[19] => https://acatoday.org/Patients/What-is-Chiropractic/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics

[20] => https://acatoday.org/Patients/What-is-Chiropractic/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics

[21] => https://nccih.nih.gov/research/results/spotlight/insurance-coverage-patterns

[22] => https://chiromt.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12998-019-0255-x

[23] => https://forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2019/03/31/chiropractor-salary-state/

[24] => https://webmd.com/pain-management/guide/chiropractic-pain-relief

[25] =>https://ajmc.com/view/access-to-chiropractic-care-and-the-cost-of-spine-conditions-among-older-adults

[26] => https://statista.com/statistics/450353/number-of-chiropractic-licenses-in-the-us/

[27] => https://johnsonchiropracticpc.com/chiropractic-facts/

[28] => https://acatoday.org/About/History-of-Chiropractic

[29] => https://nbce.org

[30] =>https://chiroone.com

[31] =>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_chiropractic

[32] => Alcoa Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center

[33] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2794701/

[34] => https://escarpmentmagazine.ca/wellness/posture-and-spinal-hygiene-improves-brain-function/

[35] => https://spineuniverse.com/treatments/chiropractic/chiropractic-spinal-adjustment-what-pop

[36] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23720124

[37] => http://foundation4chiroeducation.com/studies.php

[38] =>https://nbce.org/about-nbce/chiropractic-care/

[39] => https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24767958/

[40] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2647084/

[41] => https://nccih.nih.gov/health/spinal-manipulation-what-you-need-to-know

[42] => https://chiroeco.com/125-years-of-chiropractic/

[43] => https://acatoday.org/Patients/What-is-Chiropractic/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics

[44] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4033140/

[45] => https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article/97/9/889/3884292

[46] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4153910/

[47] => https://statista.com/statistics/757457/helpfulness-chiropractic-care-various-body-pains-us/


[49] => https://nytimes.com/2020/09/04/well/live/ergonomics-work-from-home-injuries.html

[50] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2786244/

[51] => https://nccih.nih.gov/health/spinal-manipulation-what-you-need-to-know

[52] => The Medical Journal Spine Research

[53] => https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92521/

[54] => https://acatoday.org/Information-Graphics

[55] =>https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2680417

[56] => https://acatoday.org/Information-Graphics

[57] => https://bit.ly/3beEnr1

[58] =>https://jmptonline.org/article/S0161-4754(05)00227-7/fulltext

[59] => https://elitesportsdc.com/why-30-million-people-see-a-chiropractor-each-year/

[60] => Global Burden of Disease study Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

[61] => The Gallup Organization

[62] => https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/mind-based-therapies-may-ease-lower-back-pain/?_r=0

[63] => https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S088539240700783X

[64] => https://ajmc.com/view/access-to-chiropractic-care-and-the-cost-of-spine-conditions-among-older-adults

[65] => https://wahpetondailynews.com/health/million-americans-experience-low-back-pain-at-any-given-time/article_752b754e-0156-11e8-ac51-2fa3ce942563.html